Looking and waiting

I meant to type this out a few days ago, but kept getting sidetracked.  I have been looking for a new job and I have had a few recruiters contact me, so that is something.  I do have an interview next week for somewhere I really would like to work, so we will see how that goes.  I also was just contacted by a recruiter for a 6 months for Cisco, but I am not sure I want to work for a big corporation.  I would really like to work for a startup as I would learn more, since it would be only a few people and we would be handling a website that is still being created.  I do have a possible position with one once it goes live, but they aren’t there yet and I do need a paying job at the moment.  Bills are coming up that we might not be able to cover, but at least this will be the first time that has happened since I left my job in January.  Which was a very good decision.

As I am awaiting for a job, I have been busy with development workshops (helping and attending) and helping a non-profit transitional housing with Salesforce.com reports.  Not my favorite program, but I know how to work with it.  And it does feel good to help out with something I can do.  

I have been working on my personal website and putting it on Heroku.  However I did find out that Ruby has a couple things that were not updated when they released the latest version and I could not upload to Heroku.  So I have to use different programs to make it work.  At least I am learning those more, since I am creating a website in a different way. Yay me!

Now me getting sidetracked is mainly due to my daughter as her hormones are kicking in and that has been fun. She starts middle school this coming school year and I worry about her, because she is a very sweet kid and kids in middle school tend to get mean.  Probably because everyone is dealing with hormones.  I did tell her this might happen and to keep it in perspective of them dealing with hormones like she is.  Still I am not looking forward to this transition.

Virgil Sleeping

On a good note, my almost 5 year old puppy, Virgil has dealt with hip dysplasia with both of his hips, the right one being the problematic one.  He also recently tore both his CCLs, which is the equivalent of a human’s ACL. (knees).  We have had him on a pain regiment for a long while now, so when we found out about his knees, we had to stop his playtime with other dogs.  You have never seen such a pitiful dog. 😦  Ok now here is the good note, our vet suggested we try this supplement called Flexadin that is supposed to help rebuild cartilage.  So we decided to try it.  And amazingly to the vet and us, after a month and half we were able to take him completely off his pain regiment and just keep giving him that supplement.  He acts like a puppy again and isn’t in pain. YAY! He is a very happy dog right now and we have been able to let him play with other dogs and able to take him on short walks.  First time in a couple years.  So if anyone has dog(s) with hip dysplasia or joint issues, I highly recommend trying out Flexadin.

I think that sums it up for now.  Hope very one has a great weekend and I will be back to posting more often now.


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. AmsSvs, journeyman journalist
    Jul 03, 2015 @ 18:32:08

    Happy 4th! There are plus/minus factors to working for start ups vs big corps. Been there & done that over my 40+ years as a worker bee. The worst was the in-between, when the middle-sized ops get bought out and employees get chewed up & spit out. But I digress. The decision to exit the last job I think is your over-riding decision maker. If you wanted a sense of control, then smaller is the way to go. As for the bills— they will come no matter what you do.



    • kmcmcurtis7
      Jul 03, 2015 @ 19:23:58

      I was in the insurance underwriting for 14yrs. The original company I worked at, I loved working. Then we were bought out by Liberty Mutual. I worked in a specialty unit so I didn’t get laid off and Liberty bought us for our systems. However despite working my tail off and not minding helping others out if they needed it, I was never recognized, appreciated or even felt valued. And I would not get a promotion as to get a promotion approval had to go 5 levels up to someone who had no idea who I was. I stayed as long as I did as the people I worked directly with did appreciate me and they were family. I do miss them, but not the job. Also I was not challenged anymore, I could go on automatic and do my work or help people.

      I really did not want to go to work in the morning and I would get home emotionally and mentally worn out. The 2nd day after I left, I felt like a brand new person! Even my doctor told me the job was affecting my health, but I did not realize how much until I left. So this is the reason for not working for a corporation. And I am a happier person for it.



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