Christmas and all that jazz . . .

My husband’s Christmas party was fun. Hubby wimped out on me and we didn’t go anywhere else afterwards. We even used Uber so we could drink some and stay out. But it was nice to dress up and eat at a traditional Italian restaurant. Cafe Luna is definitely a place to go in downtown Raleigh if you want some good Italian food. Though next time we are out we are definitely going to Bitter Sweet, which is a dessert bar. Yum! More

This Past Week

This past week has been crazy!  My daughter ran a fever on and off last week, was coughing and when the fever broke she broke out in hives.  3 urgent care visits and a visit to her regular doctor came up with a virus hitting kids that sticks around for a little while.  She has been so miserable and I didn’t get much work done or sleep, as I was taking care of her and making sure she ate and drank.  More

My map, reminders and impacts

Yay me!  My reminder is working since I am doing my blog within a week of the last one.  Trying to make this a habit.  I’ve been bringing my laptop with me when I Uber, so during slow times I can study and work on my blog.  I am enjoying Uber during this time of year as most people are more upbeat because of the holidays.  More

Sharing the passion and working hard.

I did get sidetracked doing Uber trying to catchup on bills, but I’m getting refocused back on coding and then I wouldn’t have to worry about bills.  I think I am about ready, but I still have to think too hard about what I am doing, so I need more practice to make it second nature or as close to second nature.  The last couple days of nice weather during the Thanksgiving holiday has helped re-energized me.  It’s really amazing what a couple hours of the sun can do for us.  I have a daylight alarm, but can only use it when my husband and I get up around the same time or he complains that he gets woke up too early. Wah! 😭  But it is great when I get to use it, because it is a gentle wake up as it slowly brightens the room and you just wake up. You aren’t startled or shaken awake, you just open your eyes.  Definitely makes for a better morning.  More

Grit Flow

courage, resolution, strength of character

life as seen by me

how my mind works????

Stuff That Needs Saying

...about mental illness, treatment, and social services...

homemade naturally


Ctrl. Alt. Believe.

One Tech Novice. One Programming Boot camp. One Heck Of A Journey!

My Free Zone

My space unit about my life,the people around me and the happening's.


My words will either attract a strong mind or offend a weak one.

padrespaleale's Blog

Musings and reflections on an ordinary life.

Life Lessons of a Dog Lover

Writing and Thinking Out Loud by Cindy Isber